Reviews force awakens
Reviews force awakens

reviews force awakens

And it's an indirect call back to the Astroid scene where Han, Leia, Chewy and C-3PO are accosted by Mynocks before realizing they're in the belly of a exogorth. The whole scenario is set up to show Han hasn't lost his space pirate spirit.

Reviews force awakens movie#

I know that sounds crazy, but wait until you've seen the monster movie scene Abrams has audaciously dropped into the middle of his Star Wars movie. Abrams goes back to certain elements utilized in Cloverfield and Super 8, and even Star Trek (a little bit) to explain where Han Solo and Chewbacca have been. Again, I don't want to spoil anything, but J.J. And while not everyone will agree, I think it's one of the overall best scenes in the entire two hour run time. Because their re-introduction is a doozy. Though, their latest plight is not without its complications and heartbreak.īut let's forget that for a moment. I don't think there is anything else that will come close in comparison. You are there with them, and it's the best thing that is going to happen in any movie coming out in quite some time. Watching Han and Chewbacca run around in a brand new adventure is akin to an out of body experience.

reviews force awakens

He slips back into these old smuggler boots with ease, and he schools us on why this particular character is so beloved. And Harrison Ford hasn't been this alive in years. But once he and Chewbacca are on the scene, it's their movie from there on out. It takes Ford at least 30 minutes to make his grand entrance, because the film needs to set up its new heroes and villains first. And there's some great banter between new hero Finn, played by John Boyega, and Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford. The dialogue here is swift and often funny. And that's because he goes back to those original three films to see what made them work internally. And you will feel like you've just been transported back into the world of the original Star Wars universe.įor the most part, director J.J. You will know what story you are about to embark on. Once you read the crawl attached to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, a smile will stretch wide across your face. A lot of fans have complained over the years about the crawls in the prequel trilogy. I'm guessing many of you will feel touched by the hands of the lord! People were visibly shaking in their seats during the premiere. And they will never feel more electrified than when that LucasFilm title appears, followed by the iconic Star Wars logo and John Williams' score. But this week, millions of people are going to gather in one space, and worship at the alter of the Force. It doesn't replace any doctrine, and that statement shouldn't be taken as sacrilege. More than anything else, this is a religious experience in a time when most people have abandoned any real concept of God. It's really their adventure, split down the middle, as we watch hero and villain race to save or destroy the galaxy's new hope in this grand sci-fi adventure.

Reviews force awakens