Optionally, install pipewire-docs to review the documentation. Pipewire uses systemd/User for management of the server and automatic socket activation. There is also lib32-pipewire for multilib support. Install the pipewire package from the official repositories. 5.2.1 OBS (etc.) display nothing, even if they ask for a window/screen.5.1.22 FMOD games crashing under PipeWire.5.1.21 No notification sounds from Discord.5.1.20 Simultaneous output to multiple sinks on the same sound card.5.1.18 No sound from USB DAC until 30% volume.5.1.17 High latency with USB DACs (e.g.5.1.14 Audio cutting out when multiple streams start playing.5.1.13 Noticeable audio delay or audible pop/crack when starting playback.5.1.11 No Sound or pactl info shows Failure: Connection refused.5.1.10 External sound card not activated after reconnect.5.1.9 Sound quality (resampling quality).5.1.8 Changing the allowed sample rate(s).

5.1.4 No sound after connecting to Bluetooth device.5.1.3 Sound does not automatically switch to Bluetooth headphones.

5.1.2 Sound does not automatically switch when connecting a new device.5.1.1 Microphone is not detected by PipeWire.3.1.8 Use ALSA dmix devices as PipeWire sinks.3.1.7 Run PipeWire on top of native JACK.3.1.6 Sharing audio devices with computers on the network.3.1.5 PipeWire patch sets for command line.